Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Social Justice" Education Comes to the Fore at OISE (the Folks Who Teach Our Teachers)

Found this gem on the OISE site:
The Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice Education (HSSSJE) is a multi- and interdisciplinary graduate program developed from the past programs of History and Philosophy of Education as well as Sociology and Equity Studies in Education. This new department provides students with critical understandings of the social, historical, cultural, political, economic, and ethical contexts of education, broadly conceived. Based on the diverse intellectual traditions of the humanities and social sciences, the department is committed to multi- and interdisciplinary studies in education, with a focus on history, philosophy, sociology and social justice education. 
Through humanities, social sciences, and/or social justice education, faculty and students may pursue studies including anti-racism, critical race theory and Indigenous studies; aesthetics, media, and communication; feminist and gender studies; class and poverty studies; francophone studies; post-colonial, diaspora, and transnational studies; queer and disability studies; and/or may follow traditional disciplinary inquiry...
Call it indoctrinating the indoctrinators. (And you wonder why the kids can't read.)

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