Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Ceeb's Anti-Zionist Bias Comes Through Loud and Clear

I had to search high and low for this story on the Ceeb news site that led the 7 a.m. radio newscast. I found it low--waaay low. Right near the bottom of the page, in fact. The news reader made it sound far worse than it reads. He spoke of Israeli troops "dressed in black" (oooo, how ominous and Stormtrooperish, no?) dispersing a gaggle of Palestinian protesters who had claimed a bit of land in Jerusalem. Their beef? They wanted to prevent Israel from building "settlements"--yes, that's the loaded word the Ceeb used--on it.

Also on the Ceeb site: Zion-loather Neil Macdonald sings the praises of Al Jazeera.

Looking to make a lateral move to Qatar broadcasting in the grotesque tradition of more than a few of your former Ceeb colleagues, Neil?

Update: The tale of protester woe is such a non-story that it doesn't even show up on the Al Jazeera site.

The Ceeb even more anti-Zionist than the Arabs? Seems that way.

Update: The story leads the news at 8, too, in a much longer version. Some of the loaded language seems to have been toned down, though.

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