Monday, February 4, 2013

Blah Blah Blah Me Me Me Blah Blah Blah

"Justin Trudeau outlines his plan for a better Canada" (ha!):
"The work I have done with the FCM in response around the gas tax, which needs to be continued and directed directly to our municipalities, understanding that municipalities are squeezed out over the challenges around funding when 80 per cent of Canadians live in urban centres," he said.
"We have to recognize that the breadth and strength of this country is in how we empower our cities and towns."
"The Idle No More movement is not a problem. It's an opportunity. We have a tremendous amount of energy, of activism from young First Nations people and activists right across the country who are saying, 'we want to be part of creating a solution, we want to be consulted, we want to be partnering on how we are going to move forward," said Trudeau.
"The challenge of leadership is to take that leadership, take that energy and direct is positively, make good things come of it. Unfortunately we have a government that is choosing to play a divisive role and making sure the chiefs are fighting with each other, setting Canadians against First Nations on issues of accountability instead of working with them to solve some of the significant challenges." 
I haven't heard such piffle, cliches, empty platitudes, humbug and lefty gasouosness since, well...since Barack Obama's second inauguration.

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