Tuesday, February 12, 2013

IAW FAQ: "How Is Israeli Apartheid Week Different...?"

I would have answered that it isn't much different than other expressions of Zionhass/eliminationism, but organizers, apparently, feel their annual hate week is ne plus ultra, and reply like this:
A lot of campuses and cities have organized week-long sets of events going by many different names. Having a week of activities is often an effective way to build energy around an organization or campaign, and many have done this for decades. IAW is different because:
a) it’s specifically grounded in a political analysis based on the apartheid framework and the 2005 Palestinian BDS call (check the website for more info on these);
b) it is internationally coordinated and centralized through a single international website (apartheidweek.org);
c) every group participating, from all over the world, has agreed to the same basis of unity, and uses it as the core of their organizing.
This is what makes the activities and messages of IAW powerfully amplified globally, instead of just on your campus! It is exciting to be coordinated with campuses and cities all over the world, from Palestine, South Africa, UK, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Canada, Spain; all committed to the struggle against apartheid!
All committed to purveying the falsehood, the slander, that Israel practices apartheid, thereby making the country's disappearance a moral imperative for humankind!

There. Fixed it.

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