Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Shut Yo' Mouths, Impudent Infidels!

Michael Totten writes about the concerted global effort to empower the new caliphate via the blasphemy route:
Free speech is under attack in the West, and it’s under attack from abroad. For years radical Islamists have targeted embassies abroad and individuals at home for “insulting” the Prophet Muhammad. And now diplomats and heads of state from Islamist countries are using international organizations to pressure the West to criminalize blasphemy and are even lobbying for a global censorship regime.
The most recent assault began in Cairo on September 11, 2012, when a deranged mob attacked the US Embassy, breached its walls, and hoisted the black flag of al-Qaeda. Similar scenes of violence and mayhem broke out from Tunisia to Indonesia. Allegedly—although not in the case of the attack in Benghazi that led to the assasination of Ambassador Christopher Stevens—because an Egyptian-American Copt no one had ever heard of before uploaded the trailer for an amateurish anti-Muhammad movie called “The Innocence of Muslims” to YouTube. 
The United States government went directly to cringe mode and spent as much time condemning the video as it did the mob...
Cringe mode=feeding the crocodile mode=dhimmi mode=Obama's default mode, the Osama "get" and drone kills notwithstanding.

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