Saturday, February 2, 2013

When "Equality" Is a Bad Thing

As far as the UN's "human rights" body is concerned, 'splains UN "human rights" mucky-muck Eric Tistounet in this risible piece of puffery, "There is no difference between the USA or Andorra, or between Russia and Papua New-Guinea." And every country in the UN must submit to a probing of its "human rights" habits by the UN's "Human Rights Council," a body
made up of representatives of 47 countries, which change every three years. The representatives are usually diplomats from the countries based in Geneva. 
Well, doesn't that make it sound all nice and civilized? Unmentioned, of course, is the fact that these genteel Geneva-based diplomats hail from places such as Cuba, China and Saudi Arabia, whose deplorable human rights records hardly equip them to pass judgment on others. And rather than being a great leveler, placing America on the same plane as Andorra, as Tisounet says, what it really does is elevate non-Western, non-free nations--high fives to the UAE!--and do its utmost to knock down America and Canada and, first and foremost, Israel.

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