Friday, February 8, 2013

Whose Counter-Jihad Is It, Anyway?

Diana West updates us on Lars Hedegaard post-assassination attempt and makes an interesting--albeit a depressing--observation:
He is well, he is in an undisclosed location, he is back to work. Not bad for a 70-year-old man who was fired on "from less than a yard" away" while collecting a (phony) package delivered to his home. Far from stopping Lars, the gunfire triggered Lars's life-saving right hook to the gunman's face ... (see column below for details). I asked Lars yesterday if he knew more about his 25-year-old assailant. He wrote: "He is an immigrant from a Muslim country – Arabian or Pakistani. There is no doubt. You may quote me." 
The gunman is also half a century younger than Lars. It suddenly struck me, as I reflected on the violence that Islam has brought into Western society: The Danish counter-jihad front is led by elderly men -- old Vikings, it turns out, but "senior citizens" by any measure. Westergaard, Hedegaard, Sweden's Lars Vilks (b. 1946), too, an artist whose life is also imperiled by Muslims for his drawings and beliefs -- are all men of advanced years. They are also all men of the pen and paint set. 
Is it right to let them fight it out alone?
The answer, most assuredly, is no. A better question with a less obvious answer: Does a younger set that's been indoctrinated--marinated--in multiculturalism and other PC poppycock have the wit and the gumption to fight at all?

Update: In the wake of the attack, you can read Hedegaard's newspaper, Dispatch-International, for free--but only for a short time.

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