Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sabeel the "Real Deal"? If You Say So, NOW

"NOW editors pick a trio of this week's can't miss events" in Toronto, one of which is this one:
Remember when peace negotiations were the real deal on the Israeli-Palestine front? Get the latest from the senior-most ambassador of the Palestinian diplomatic corps, Afif Safieh, author of The Peace Process From Breakthrough to Breakdown. A participant in the Stockholm talks, Safiyeh speaks for the Canadian Friends of Sabeel, a Christian Palestinian org pushing justice, peace and non-violence. Sunday (March 10), 2 pm. Free. Donations welcome. OISE Auditorium, 252 Bloor West.
Here's the real deal about Sabeel, an outfit that pushes the type of "justice, peace and non-violence" which excludes and precludes a sovereign Jewish Israel. Also, "peacenik" Safiyeh had no problem appearing at an Israeli Apartheid Week event, which speaks volumes about the real Afif.

Update: Oh, looky--he's speaking at eliminationist Palestine House, too:

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