Saturday, March 9, 2013

Unaware of the Real Numbers, Syrian "Rebels" (Islamists, Al Qaedists, Bad Guys Fighting Other Bad Guys) Grumble About Great Satan Being Stingy With Those Yankee Dollars

The New York Times itemizes the goodies list of which the "rebels" are unaware (since they don't appear to read the New York Times):
The United States has done more than any other country to circumvent the United Nations, but its efforts remain unknown to most Syrians. Washington is funneling about $60 million — about $10 million in 2012, and about $50 million in 2013 — through independent nonprofit groups to deliver flour, food baskets, blankets and medicine to the most stable opposition-controlled territory (one group said it reached most of Aleppo Province, but not yet Idlib). The nonprofit groups insist on keeping their work and their American donors a secret to protect staff members still working in Damascus under Mr. Assad.  
“Our humanitarian assistance, $385 million to date, is making a difference,” said one United States diplomat involved in Syria policy, speaking anonymously because of the sensitivity of international politics around the aid. “But we can’t talk about it.”
The result is deepening cynicism and anger toward the West among precisely those Syrians the United States and its allies say they are trying to assist and befriend, a disappointment and frustration to those in Washington who hoped to win favor among the opposition.
Hard to make headway with folks who hate you like poison, but who are pissed off that you aren't giving them nearly enough dough.

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