Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ceeb Radio Highlights Our "Homie" Omie's Hogtown Provenance

Yesterday the Ceeb reported that Omar Khadr wants an American civil court to overturn the ruling of an American military court which had designated him a terrorist. The report on the Ceeb's website starts out like this:
Omar Khadr will appeal his plea-bargained guilty plea and war crimes convictions in a U.S. civilian federal court, his Canadian lawyer has told CBC News.
But when I heard it at the news at top of the hour on Ceeb radio yesterday--and I must have heard it at least three or four times--it always referred to him as "Toronto-born Omar Khadr." And each time the newsreader called him that, I bristled, because it was such a blatant--and revolting--example of the Ceeb's pro-Omie bias. It wanted us to think that, having been born here, he is one of our own--a regular Hogtowner who reads the Toronto Star, rolls up the rim to win at Tim Horton's, and cheers on the Maple Leafs.

Now, if they'd called him "Toronto-born, Al Qaeda-raised Omar Khadr," at least that would have been more balanced, and closer to the reality of who and what Khadr is.

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