Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Congrats to Armenians--They Made It Into Canada's Competive Victimhood Snoozeum!

Way to go, Armenians! Now, what about those Palestinians (is what this Winnipeger wants to know)?
I am a Canadian citizen of both Armenian and Palestinian ancestry. I applaud the CMHR for acknowledging the Armenian massacre. 
On the other hand, I wish there would also be some acknowledgement of the loss of thousands of Palestinian lives as a direct result of the Middle East conflict. I have witnessed first-hand their loss of homes and properties, loss of freedom of movement, non-recognition of their aspirations and, for many to this day, their living in the misery of refugee camps.

Something tells me that as opening day approaches, the clamor for a Palestinian exhibit will grow louder and louder. I predict that, at some point, the snoozeum authorities will bow to it and designate space for what is, after all, today's most popular and fashionable victim group. Jewish victims of megalomaniacal Nazis and Arab "victims" of imperialistic Joooos (the only narrative Palestinian supporters are likely to accept) sharing space in the same premises: somehow I don't think that's what the late Izzy Asper had in mind.

Update: An exhibit that won't make it into the snoozeum.

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