Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The TDSB Mosqueteria School Salutes the Canadian Flag--Sort Of

The school where girls are accorded second class status during Saudi-style prayer services is really big on "respect"--for multiculti bromides:
Project Respect is our main positive behaviour initiative. Its goal is to create a school climate where everyone is positive and civil with each other 100% of the time. Our Project Respect motto is "Respect for All". Two visible signs of our commitment to Project Respect are our student-made Project Respect logo and our collection of flags representing the country of origin for all of our students' families. Both the flags and logo are prominently displayed in our foyer.
The close proximity of the flags symbolizes that we are one school community with a great deal of diversity.  The last flag is the Canadian flag because it takes all of this diversity to make Canada so in a sense the Canadian flag is a symbol of all the other flags...
No it isn't. It is a symbol of the Dominion of Canada, a democracy whose citizens have fought and died to serve the cause of freedom. It is an insult to them and to us to claim that the flag of Canada is a symbol of, say, Saudi Arabia plus Pakistan, plus the other flags on display in the school's foyer. That the school is not prepared to salute the flag as a symbol of Canada speaks volumes about the wacky--and, yes, dangerous--ideas that infest schools in general and that school in particular.

Salute the flag because it symbolizes Canada, not because it's a symbol of "diversity."

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