Friday, April 12, 2013

The TDSB's "Africentric" Program Has Scant Numbers and Even Scanter Interest, But If You Think That's Stopping an Expansion, Think Again

Considering that the TDSB has thousands upon thousands of students and is constantly strapped for cash, this seems to be a huge waste of effort and resources:
The Toronto District School Board is considering expanding its Africentric education program to other schools, Chair Chris Bolton tells CP24. 
The controversial program launched in 2009 with the opening of the Africentric Alternative School within a wing of Sheppard Public School near Toronto’s Downsview neighbourhood. 
At the time of its launch, supporters of the program argued that Africentric education could help to address a high dropout rate affecting students of African descent while those opposed argued the idea promoted racial segregation. 
While no firm numbers are available to illustrate the program’s success or failure, Education Minister Liz Sandals did credit specialty schools with a one per cent increase in the province’s high school graduation rate during a news conference Wednesday, prompting the comments from Bolton on Africentric education. 
“We already have in other schools courses with an Africentric lens and what I think we are going to try and do is look at the communities in Toronto that might have an interest in having such programs and putting more of those programs in other locations, but that’s still up for discussion,” Bolton told CP24 following the news conference. “It is always something we do slowly and in a deliberate fashion, so we are sure that it will be successful and reflective of the community it is in.” 
The Africentric Alternative School has about 190 students in junior kindergarten through Grade 7. 
This fall, a second Africentric education program will also be launched at Winston Churchill Collegiate in Scarborough. That program will begin with a Grade 9 class, but will eventually be expanded to other grades.
Of course, there's no opposing such idiocy unless you're prepared to be branded a racist.

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