Friday, May 10, 2013

A Sign of the Remorseless Claw-Back of Our Free Speech: "Bias" Has Been Yoked to "Hate" in a New Category--"Bias/Hate" Crimes

Peruse the link to the York Regional Police's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Bureau, and something may immediately pop out at you (as it did at me): Police and other "human rights" types no longer speak of "hate" crimes. When we weren't looking, someone lowered the "hate" bar such that you are now contravening the law merely for expressing a "bias" against someone.

What next--"bias/hate/failing to celebrate 'diversity' ardently enough" crimes?

Don't laugh, because that's where we're headed.

Of course, if you're biased against/insufficiently celebratory re, say, Zionists, you're unlikely to get a visit from Inspector Ricky or one of the other YRP inclusivity police. On the other hand, dare to provide a forum for the likes of "biased/hateful" Pamela Geller, and the Stalinesque Keystone Kops'll be on you quicker than you can say "Hava Nagila."

Update: A song for the Kops:

Have a nice feeling.
It is so healing.
Have a nice feeling.
Don't you be mean.

Don't be a bully.
Think it through fully.
Don't be a bully,
Love "equity."

Have a nice thought today.
Watch what you think and say.
It is the only way
To maintain the peace.

Have a nice thought today.
Watch what you think and say.
It is the only way
To maintain the peace.

You--Jew, you--Jew, don't spew.
Don't say a thing about the jihad.
Don't say a thing about the jihad.
Don't say a thing about the jihad.
Don't make 'em mad...

1 comment:

  1. As Mark Steyn likes to remind us, giving the government the power to try "hate crimes"--really Orwellian thoughtcrimes--allows those who wield that power to crush, according to their whim of the moment, those individuals and groups who incur their displeasure or are out of favor (or merely out of fashion) at the moment. As Scaramouche points out, Zionists are an especially disfavored group of the Leftist power-wielders for now, though cultural conservatives do not fare much better in the affections of the Left.

    The flip side of the coin is that favored groups--homosexualists, Islamists, collectivists, anti-religious bigots, and the like--are, of course, crowing like cocks on a bender at the discomfiture of the unfavored groups. Well, let them crow while they can: as many of them are likely to find out, the whims of those who hold the power to define thoughtcrime can change suddenly and without warning. As many Russian homosexuals found out much to their sorrow, what Lenin can give in 1917 (when the Bolsheviks repealed the Tsarist sodomy laws) Stalin can take away--with interest--in 1934 (when Socialist Morality legislation re-criminalized homosexual sodomy with more severe and zealously enforced laws).

    As Scaramouche has pointed out before, the only way any one of us can be sure not to be on the receiving end of arbitrary government power is to live in a republic that recognizes the ancient liberties of Western men and women vis-à-vis the power of the state. But that requires a mature perspective of political philosophy that, alas, seems to be beyond the ken of many--perhaps most--men and women of today's Western polities.
