Thursday, May 9, 2013

Can a Muslim Deprogrammer--a Former Radical--Persuade Jihad-Minded Youths That His "Paradise Forever" Program Is Enticing Enough to Compete With Jihadi Martyrdom's Posthumous "Paradise Forever" Program In Which They Get to Frolic in Their Very Own Bordello?

Something tells me that Muhammad Robert Heft's program--the earthly one being touted on and by the Ceeb--is somewhat lacking in, well, heft:
Muhammad Robert Heft, once a radicalized Muslim, runs Paradise Forever, a support group for new Muslims and those who have rediscovered their faith.

But the group has also become a de-radicalization program for those with extremist thoughts, many of them disenchanted young men, looking for a cause and an identity in religion.

Heft, who has brought about 40 young men back from a dangerous brink., said it can take months or years to contain if not eradicate a threat and to provide a new sense of community.

CBC's Ioanna Roumeliotis reports on the program that involves three steps:  offering theological detox; offering support services; and creating a sense of community accountability...
If he's managed to turn 40 "disenchanted" "reverts," good for him. One wonders, though, how many more out there have become so radicalized that they are simply not receptive to this sort of deprogramming, and who would therefore give Heft's shtick short shrift. Are there dozens? Hundreds?


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