Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hamas, Hezbo Outlawed in the U.S.--Everywhere But on TV

Those who want can get their daily dose of zany Hezbo/Hamas Zionhass on the tube:
Two television stations, one in New Jersey and one in California, are broadcasting programs from the outlawed Hezbollah and Hamas terrorist organizations, encouraging American children to grow up into suicide bombers. 
The New York-based Lawfare Project said the NileSat IPTV in New Jersey and ArabTV4ALL in California are transmitting broadcast from the Al Aqsa television network, which is linked with Hamas, and from the Al Manar satellite network, a mouthpiece for Hezbollah. 
The Blaze website obtained a memo from the Lawfare Project, which said that the AdvancedTV Network currently supplies over 600 Arabic channels from Nilesat and Arabsat directly via the Internet, and that resellers such as NileSat IPTV and ArabTV4All pick up the material. 
“By subscribing to NileSat IPTV, the subscriber receives an IPTV box, which can be hooked up to a television set without a satellite dish anywhere in the United States,” the memo note, author Charles Johnson wrote on the Blaze
“A customer simply calls NileSat IPTV and orders a box, which is then delivered to his or her house. The channels are then broadcast using this box and an internet connection.”
Lawfare project director Brooke Goldstein said, “We contacted NileSatIPTV way back and they confirmed they air the Hezbollah and Hamas channels,” which broadcast hate programs that could be considered illegal assistance to terrorism. 
“It’s unthinkable, especially in light of the Boston terror attacks, that our government continues to allow Hamas and Hezbollah, two designated foreign terrorist organizations, to openly and illegally broadcast their stations within our borders, stations aimed at radicalizing and recruiting Muslim youth towards violence, a most egregious form of child abuse,” she added...

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