Tuesday, May 7, 2013

UNIFIL--Another Colossal Bust Brought to You By the Boneheads Over at the UN

UNIFIL's mission was to prevent Hezbo from rearming--an effort at which it has failed miserably since Nasty Nasrallah's minions are more flush with missiles than even. So what, pray tell, have these so-called peacekeepers been up to? How do the more than 11,000 of them occupy their time (and waste their annual budget of $550 Yankee dollars)?  UN expert Claudia Rosett enlightens us:
Well, they are embodying diversity, with troops from 38 countries. They have put out a 2013 calendar featuring “Women of UNIFIL.” And according to a FAQ page on UNIFIL’s web site, they have been providing quite an array of services to the local community: “UNIFIL contingents provide free medical, dental, veterinary and such other assistance to the local population.” Beyond that. they have been providing training programs for the locals, “in such fields as computers, languages, bread making, knitting, yoga, taekwondo and so on.”
So, while UNIFIL has proved unable to stop Hezbollah from amplifying its previous military facilities into a warren of hundreds of bunkers stuffed with thousand of rockets and missiles, UNIFIL has been toiling away to provide everything from computer instruction to free medical care to yoga, knitting, and taekwondo lessons to the local population that hosts these Hezbollah weapons facilities. Should we really call this peacekeeping? Sounds more like free services for Hezbollah.
On the plus side, because of all those downward dogs, people are far more supple, and they can whip up scrumptious sourdough loaves that rival Martha Stewart's. ;)

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