Thursday, June 13, 2013

Misogynist Rap--Cole Porter It Ain't

Birds do it, bees do it, wrote old king Cole back in the day. In our time--how'd we ever get so lucky?--a "witty" mating song sounds more like this:
"Nothing like your last guy, he too square for you/He don't smack that ass and pull your hair like that/So I just watch and wait for you to salute/But you didn't pick/Not many women can refuse this pimpin'/But I'm a nice guy, but you get it if you get with me".
How could any chick fail to be swayed by such, er, charm?

Update: The love song is dying--and the Broadway musical is, too:
So, what’s on Broadway now? There are the kiddie shows – The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Mary Poppins, Matilda. There are the gay shows – Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Kinky Boots. There are the shows for people who think musical theater is supposed to be a rock concert punctuated by plot: Jersey Boys, Rock of Ages. The age of legitimate musicals – ones with original plot and music, with non-generic lyrics and actual heart – seems to be ending.
It says a lot about the state of the not-so-Great White Way that the only traditional Broadway musical of note in the past two years was Bombshell--and it could only be seen on TV.

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