Georges Sada, the second highest-ranking general of the Iraqi Air Force under Saddam Hussein, wrote a book in 2006, _Saddam's Secrets_, in which he made that claim. It is consistent with air surveillance images of the Syrio-Iranian border during the weeks leading up to the invasion, which showed massive truck and cargo aircraft traffic flowing from Iraq into Syria. (At the time, several intelligence experts brought up the possibility that Saddam was shipping his WMD stockpiles to Syria, but this factoid has since been sent down the memory hole; it doesn't fit the "Bush lied, people died" mantra that became the official "narrative" of the Iraq War in the Leftist media.) The U. S., of course, gave Saddam lots of time in which to transport such weapons to Syria, as the price of Tony Blair's participation in the Coalition was that we would seek yet one more resolution authorizing military action against Iraq.
Georges Sada, the second highest-ranking general of the Iraqi Air Force under Saddam Hussein, wrote a book in 2006, _Saddam's Secrets_, in which he made that claim. It is consistent with air surveillance images of the Syrio-Iranian border during the weeks leading up to the invasion, which showed massive truck and cargo aircraft traffic flowing from Iraq into Syria. (At the time, several intelligence experts brought up the possibility that Saddam was shipping his WMD stockpiles to Syria, but this factoid has since been sent down the memory hole; it doesn't fit the "Bush lied, people died" mantra that became the official "narrative" of the Iraq War in the Leftist media.) The U. S., of course, gave Saddam lots of time in which to transport such weapons to Syria, as the price of Tony Blair's participation in the Coalition was that we would seek yet one more resolution authorizing military action against Iraq.