Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ceeb Radio Encourages Us to Feed the Hungry for Ramadan

Ceeb radio was touting this charitable effort on air just now. And, hey, who wouldn't want to sign up to donate a dollar a day during the Muslim holy month to stock the shelves of the Daily Bread Food Bank?:
Give 30 wants everyone, regardless of faith, donating at least $1 a day to the Give 30 Campaign Food Banks during the month of Ramadan so we can fight hunger in our community.  This initiative is about caring for our neighbours and making a difference, together.
Sounds great, right?, until you realize that there's a heaping helping of da'wa that goes along with it:
Ramadan takes place from July 9 until August 7, 2013 (but you don't have to wait until then to donate).  Learn more about the initiative by checking out The Idea. - See more at: http://www.give30.ca/#sthash.1iTqQZCH.dpuf
Thanks, Ceeb (which, by the way, is funded by Canadian taxpayers), but I think I'll give what I want to charity when I want to give it, and not because it's, well, Ramadan.

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