Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Former Liberal P.M. Paul Martin, Known for Lukewarm (at Best) Support of Israel, to Get an Honourary Degree From Haifa U.--Much to the Delight of Justin Trudeau and a Who's Who of Liberal Jews

When it came to Israel, Paul Martin was, to say the leastno Stephen Harper. But, heck, why would Liberal Jewtopians let that stand in the way of a swanky soiree for a member of their tribe?

The University of Haifa is proud and honoured to confer upon Paul Martin its highest accolade, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) in recognition of his dedication to educating the Canadian Aboriginal population; his commitment to social responsibility; his steadfast position against antisemitism, racism and intolerance, and his solidarity with the State of Israel.


Update: In an '09 piece for FrontPage, Steven Plaut describes the nutty behavior of some of his Haifa U confreres:
At my own University of Haifa, left-wing faculty members exploded in a wave of outraged protests when the campus heads decided to fly Israeli flags as a gesture of solidarity with the embattled residents of the Negev towns. The leftists claimed this would be insensitive because it would offend the pro-jihad Arab students who fill the campus.
Why, "Honorary Patron" Justin Trudeau couldn't have put it better (i.e. worse) himself. 

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