Thursday, July 18, 2013

In Other "My Dinner With Justin" News...

No official word yet as to who "won" this:
OTTAWA — How much is a five-person barbecue dinner with Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau worth to you? 
Federal Liberals sent out an email this week offering Canadians who donate $5 or more to the party between now and June 30 a chance to win a barbecue dinner for five with the Grit leader this summer. 
It’s the party’s latest fundraising effort and is a clear attempt to combine Canadians’ love of grilling with what Liberals are hoping is Trudeau’s celebrity appeal. 
“The leader loves having the chance to meet one-on-one with Canadians,” said Liberal party spokesman Olivier Duchesneau. “And obviously Canadians love to barbecue in the summer, so it was a great fit.” 
But because the fundraiser is also a contest – the winner of the barbecue date will be chosen through a random draw – Duchesneau said the party was legally required to come up with a value for the prize. 
And there it is in the fine print: “Approximate value of $999 CAD.” 
Duchesneau said it’s easy to put a value on a physical prize like an iPad, but putting a number on a barbecue dinner with the man Liberals are hoping will be the next prime minister was a bit trickier...
Not at all. In fact, you'd have to pay me to spend time with him--and there isn't enough moolah in the world.

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