Tuesday, July 30, 2013

J Street's Smug Leader Says He Has Obama's "Ear"

Only one of 'em? Well, considering their size, I guess one is enough.

No doubt about it--the wrong Jews (i.e. faux-Zionist Jewtopians) are wielding power in Washington:
Ben-Ami, describing J Street as “a moderate, centrist place,” also touted his organization’s influence in Washington, a position traditionally dominated by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. 
“We have the ear of the White House; we have the ear of a very large segment of Congress at this point; we have very good relations with top communal leadership in the Jewish community.” 
And, not sticking simply to politics, he addressed a scandal involving controversial billionaire investor George Soros, in which J Street denied accepting money from him before leaked IRS documents proved otherwise. Ben-Ami, skirting the organization’s earlier deceptive practices, proved more transparent this time, confiding that not only does Soros donate, but that “his son is a contributor now, too.”
If the Zion-loathing Soroses are throwing shekels your way, you're about as "centrist" and "moderate" (and pro-Israel) as they are.

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