Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Just in Time for Al Quds Day 2013, Iran Hosts "International" Confab on Palestine

Hitler, that old Jooliminationist, used Judenhass to unite the masses and solidify his hold on power. Iran, the pre-eminent 'liminationist of our time, uses Zionhass in the same way and for the same reason:
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Cultural and international figures, ambassadors of different countries as well as representatives of Palestinian movements will convene in an international conference to discuss the issue of Palestine and capacities of Muslim world for more unity and resistance against enemies.  
Iran’s Organization of Culture and Islamic Relations and Committee of Support for Palestinian Intifada in Iran’s Parliament hold international conference on “Palestine, Axis of Muslim World Unity” attended by prominent figures including grand Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri, a senior advisor of the Supreme Leader in Muslim world affairs, Mohammad Baqer Khorramshad, Head of the Organization of Culture and Islamic Relations, ambassadors of Islamic countries in Tehran and also representatives of Palestinian movements.  
Two years into Islamic Awakening movements in the Middle East and Northern African countries, the importance of boosting resistance to foil the efforts of arrogant powers for deviating liberal Islamic moves is quite known. 
Certainly the issue of Palestine and Al Quds, as the symbol of unity and awakening of Muslims, is the only axis that can blossom great capacities of the Muslim world and unite them against enemies.  
For the same end, Iran’s Organization of Culture and Islamic Relations and Committee to support Intifada at Iran’s Parliament will hold international conference to discuss the issue of Palestine and unity of Muslim communities to end the crisis in this Muslim country.
When Zafar and Co. are bloviating about the poor, hard-done-by Palestinians during this year's Al Quds Days celebrations, remember this: they don't care squat about real, live Palestinians. They are merely using "the issue of Palestine and Al Quds" as a means of uniting and awakening Muslims in order to empower Tehran's megalomaniacal Khomeinists.

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