Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New Wave Terrorism for "Reverts"--"Muslim Punk"

Fun guy:
Nuttall’s tastes were for heavy metal. He posted four poor-quality recordings on a music website along with a picture of himself posing with four guitars. The undated songs include titles such as “The End of the World,” and “In League With Satan,” with the lyrics: “We are possessed by all that is evil, The death of your god we demand, We spit at the virgin you worship, And sit at Lord Satan’s Left Hand.” 
In a Facebook post Tuesday, Victoria-based band Lust Boys identified Nuttall — whom they called Johnny Blade — as the group’s ex-guitarist.

In online postings, Nuttall identified himself as belonging to a band called No World Order, a Muslim punk band that was created in Victoria but moved to the Surrey, B.C., area in mid-August, 2011. 
“I’m a Muslim punk from Victoria, Guitarist for N.W.O . . . Looking for other Muslim punks to meet InshallAllah,” Nuttall wrote. 
The band was looking for a drummer — “We are not adverse (sic) to you if you aren’t Moslim, even if you are just curious. We are just into hardcore and looking for like-minded musicians especially drummers lol.”
"No World Order" sounds more nihilistic than jihadist, no? Or is this an example of what happens when a nihilist with a gee-tar and a long arrest record finds Allah? (It would be interesting to know whether he was converted during one of his prison terms.)

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