Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Top Three "7 Canadians With More Than a Dozen Honorary Degrees" a Trifecta of Loopy Lefties

From The Maclean's Book of Lists, Vol. 2, p. 41:
    1. Number of degrees: 38 Louise Arbour, former Supreme Court justice and past United Nations high commissioner for human rights. Includes Abo Akademi University in Finland, and the National University of Ireland.
    2. 37: Stephen Lewis, board chair of the Stephen Lewis Foundation and former UN secretary-general's special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa. Includes Dartmouth College and Johns Hopkins University in the U.S.
    3. 28: biologist and conservationist David Suzuki. Includes Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia, and Open University in Milton Keynes, England.
The rest of the names on the list: Roberta Bondar, Margaret Atwood, Jean Chretien and Romeo Dallaire. (BTW, one of former Prime Minister Chretien's degrees is from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, even though, being Liberal, Chretien's government voted in lockstep and gave thumbs up to virtually every kooky anti-Israel resolution that came down the UN pike; we can also "thank" Chretien for the Khadr disaster because he was the one who interceded to get Papa Khadr, a purported "charity" worker, sprung from a Pakistan hoosegow.)

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