Friday, July 5, 2013

Well, There's at Least One Canadian Who's Upset that the Muslim Brotherhood Is Out In Egypt--Harpoon Siddiqui

It's just so freakin' "undemocratic," he fumes:
This is worse than the 1952 coup when the army toppled a debauched king. Now it has muscled out a president elected just last year in a free and fair election, and along with him, his Muslim Brotherhood and its allies who won a total of eight elections — two referenda, two rounds each for the two houses of parliament and two rounds of the presidential contest in the last two years. 
It used to be said that “Islamists” could not be trusted with democracy. It turns out that the “secular forces,” both liberal and illiberal, cannot stomach electoral defeats and resort to street power to overturn the outcome of elections. 
Cry me a river (Nile), Harpoon.


Update: Harpoon's not the only one with his nose out of joint:
Interestingly, the Guardian earlier today published an editorial not only criticizing the military coup by praising the Muslim Brotherhood as, yes, defenders of constitutional democracy, demonstrating again – as with their defense of Hamas’ ‘democratic’ legitimacy – the institution’s inability to recognize the difference between democrats (those who seek representative forms of government) and demopaths (those who seek democratic legitimacy in order to destroy liberal society). As one Arab pundit recently observed about Morsi’s ‘reforms’ which had the effect of merely solidifying Brotherhood control of the country and codifying illiberal Islamist doctrine: “Morsi proved that political Islam seeks to use democracy only to seize power only to bury the democratic dream later.”

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