Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Yemeni Moppet Whose YouTube Vid Went Viral Prompts CNN to Claim Issue of Child Marriage in Yemen is "Complicated"

Sayeth the infidels re the distraught 11-year old and others like her:
In deeply tribal Yemen, the issue of child marriage is extremely complicated.
In 2008, 10-year-old Nujood Ali shocked the world when she went to a court in Sanaa and asked a judge for a divorce. 
After a highly publicized trial, she was granted one. She became a heroine to those trying to raise awareness about Yemen, where more than half of all young girls are married before age 18, according to Human Rights Watch. 
In 2009, Yemen's parliament passed legislation raising the minimum age of marriage to 17. But conservative parliamentarians argued the bill violated Islamic law, which does not stipulate a minimum age of marriage, and the bill was never signed. Activist groups and politicians are still trying change the law, but more than 100 leading religious clerics have said restricting the age of marriage is "un-Islamic."...
It's "extremely complicated," is it? Well, maybe to those who'd prefer to ignore the precedent set when Islam's founder married his child bride, Aisha.

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