Thursday, August 1, 2013

Breaking News: Ontario's Sergeant-at-Arms Puts the Kibosh on a Queen's Park Al Quds Day--Or Has He?

This just in (h/t: KS):
Queen’s Park Denies Permit for Al Quds Rally


Toronto, August 1, 2013 -- B’nai Brith Canada applauds the denial of a permit for an “Al Quds Day" rally at Queen’s Park this Saturday.

Sergeant-at-Arms Dennis M. Clark of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario has informed the Jewish human rights organization that the permit application was refused due to public safety concerns. B’nai Brith had raised these same concerns with Clark and House Speaker Dave Levac earlier this week.
“We are very pleased that the Speaker has listened to public concerns,” said Frank Dimant, CEO, B’nai Brith Canada. “This rally must be seen for what it truly is: an Iranian-sponsored hatefest used for the express purpose of blaming Jews worldwide for problems across the globe. By denying this permit, the Sergeant-at-Arms has signaled that the importation of radical ideologies from a country that our government has described as ‘the most significant threat to global peace and security’ will not be tolerated.

“We now look to both Legislative Security and the Toronto Police Service to ensure that public safety is indeed protected because, despite the denial of the permit, there are still calls for protesters to attend and offers of bussing to the rally.”
Update: Bus 5 was supposed to leave from Zafar Bangash's mosque, the Islamic Centre of York Region (the area "served" by "Diversity" Kop Little Ricky Veerappan, who you may recall put the kibosh on the Pamela Geller talk at a local synagogue. Gee, I wonder if the krazy Khomeinists will stick it to the infidel and show up at Queen's Park despite having their permit unceremoniously revoked.

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