Thursday, August 1, 2013

Despite Losing Its Official Charitiable Status, Hamas-Linked IRFAN-Canada Is Still Up and Running and Raising Funds for, Er, "Gaza"

Quebec blogger Pointe de Bascule has a post about the discredited charity here.

Update: Well, not up and running so much as looking for a way to circumvent its lost charitable status and recently-severed bank connections:
For the past five months, IRFAN-Canada, in an attempt to mitigate this expected disruption in operations, approached several other Canadian banks in an effort to secure comparable alternate banking arrangements. The banks indicated either their inability to provide such services or their unwillingness to assist IRFAN-Canada in securing alternate banking facilities. The main reason was CRA’s revocation of IRFAN-Canada’s registration as a charity, despite continuing to be a legal not-for-profit organization.

IRFAN-Canada had approached other Canadian Charities seeking assistance in transferring some of the on-going programs/projects and especially the Orphan Sponsorship Program in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Sudan. IRFAN-Canada offered all the support that would be necessary, including staff and records. However, the approached Charities either did not have the capability or declined our offer without giving any reason(s). IRFAN-Canada will continue to seek another prospective charitable organization to assume projects.  
In summary, as of July 15, 2013, IRFAN-Canada is not in a position to receive funds or to process any new donations until its appeal of the CRA decision is heard by the Federal Court of Canada, which is expected to be later this year.
Despite that, however, the second IRFAN-Canada picnic of the summer is scheduled for August 24th.

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