Thursday, August 8, 2013

Get a Clue, People. The Fort Hood Shooter WANTS to Die

As I understand it, the attorneys who were serving as back up for Major Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter who is representing himself  at a U.S. military tribunal, wanted the judge to get rid of "lawyer" Hasan and put them in his place. Their reasoning: Hasan is doing his utmost to ensure that he gets a death sentence.

Well, duh! How on earth (well, not on earth so much as it is in Heaven) would he be able to claim martyr status and go on to his eternal reward of all those hot, hot virgins if he doesn't die at the hands of the infidel?

It's odd to me that, so far, I have yet to hear or read a single pundit explain that that's his raison d'etre (so to speak).

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