Friday, August 2, 2013

John Ketchup Says Middle East Peace "Possible in Nine Months" Despite Huge Hurdles

Oh, John, you're such a cockeyed optimist!

Inspired by the SOTUS's words, I plan to use the next nine months to locate one or more of the following: Bigfoot; the Loch Ness Monster; the Holy Grail; the flying saucer that landed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947; and the final resting place of late Teamster boss, Jimmy Hoffa.

The Nobel Peace Prize wannabe-winner sings:

I won't say that the world's a bowl of ketchup--
It's blood red and full of jihadis.
It's because I'm a cockeyed optimist
That I'll push Bibi N. to his knees.
It's unknown what this latest round will fetch up--
A "hudna" that'll weaken fatally?
But you know, as a cockeyed optimist,
I am sure that no one'll blame me...

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