Saturday, August 3, 2013

Morsi a Big Disappointment in the Jihad Department: AQ Leader

The leader of one Muslim Brotherhood offshoot slams hapless MuBro Morsi:
CAIRO (AP) — Al-Qaeda's leader is condemning the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi, but also blaming the ousted Egyptian leader for trying to "satisfy America" by abandoning jihad. 
Ayman al-Zawahri spoke in a 15-minute Internet audio message posted late Friday, his second this week. 
He says Morsi, toppled in a July 3 coup after millions took to the streets demanding his overthrow, was targeted by a conspiracy of secularists, Coptic Christians, and Egypt's "Americanized" army for being Islamist. 
But he also condemned Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood for having "tried its best to satisfy America and the secularists" by relinquishing "jihad," usually invoked by al-Qaeda to mean armed struggle...
Thanks for the, er, "clarification," AP. Without it we might be tempted to see what they've been doing as one of those personal, internal struggles we keep hearing so much about. ;)

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