Obama Thinks He Has "Shared Interests" With Islamist Zion-Loather Artie Erdogan? Oy Vey!
Obama takes a phone call from an amigo:
President Barack Obama used a press statement Wednesday night to signal his growing support for Islamist political priorities in Turkey, Syria and Egypt.
“They are cooperating to push Egypt, to force them, to threaten their aid, to get Muslim Brotherhood people back into the government,” said Barry Rubin, director of the Global Research in International Affairs Center.
The announcement came in an evening statement from the White House, which said the president had accepted a phone call from Turkey’s Islamist prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and both had “agreed to have their teams continue to coordinate closely to promote our shared interests.”
And what, pray tell, would those "shared interests" be? The president, who has promised greater transparency when it comes to the NSA file, should make these "interests" more transparent too.
Hmmm......Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, Iran....etc.