Sunday, August 4, 2013

"Politically Correct" Military Complicit in Fort Hood Shootings

Sure, Hasan the jihadi is being put on trial for the massacre, but what about the military that allowed an avowed holy warrior to operate in its midst and did nothing to stop him?


  1. Today's U. S. military, I am sad to say, no longer considers the defense of the nation and its allies to be its priority. It has become one more social engineering laboratory in the Progressive Institute. John Wayne as Sergeant Stryker in the _Sands of Iwo Jima_ is out, Goldie Hawn as _Private Benjamin_ is in . . . but only until the latter movie is remade with a homosexual slant, casting a fashionably "out and proud" actor in the lead.

    Political correctness and multiculturalism trump every other consideration in today's U. S. military. Even alluding to the "enemy" is considered to be in supremely bad taste. And, if you are a soldier/sailor/air . . . person/marine, you had better not so much as hint obliquely that Islam presents any sort of threat to the West, no not even if that denial of reality should risk the lives and limbs of the services' own personnel.

    As John Derbyshire is fond of saying, "We are all doomed."

  2. If we had to fight the Nazis today, we'd lose.
