Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The New Normal in Canada: An Arab Jew-Hater Calls for Jooos to Be Killed; Authorities Drowse and Snooze

I guess CIJA didn't get that memo. Now, if a Nazi/skinhead/white supremacist had said the same thing, you know police would have been on him lickety-split.

Update: The same guy sued Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion--and lost.

Update: He's the former president of eliminationist Palestine House, so it's no wonder he said this:
Khomeini “reminded us that Jerusalem is ours and will remain forever ours,” Hazineh added.
And no wonder the feds put the brakes on the PH jizya:
Last year, the federal government cut funding to Palestine House, which had offered newcomer settlement and language instruction services, because of what Ottawa called the cultural center’s “pattern of support for extremism.”
And yet according to this PH still claims revenues of between $1 million and $5 million a year, and is said to have between 10 - 20 employees, which means some moneybags (say, Tehran) is coughing up the cash.

Update: A Brief History of Mississauga's Palestine House

Update: The NDP bemoan and bewail the fed's defunding. "Organizations like Palestine House provide essential services to help newcomers adjust to life in Canada," say the Socialists. Well, considering that PH's Zionhass is shared by many newcomers (along with lots of Socialists), they may have a point.

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