Thursday, August 15, 2013

There Are Those Who Have Sympathy For the Devil--and Those Who Don't

Toronto Star shill for all things Islamic/ist (and high-fiver of Indian Dan) Harpoon Siddiqui, does. Ralph Peters, on the other hand, does not:
What do we want the future Egypt to look like? A flawed, hybrid democracy, or a Sunni Muslim version of Iran? Based on his bluster yesterday about events on the Nile, Secretary of State John Kerry prefers the latter. 
And Kerry’s remarks must have had White House approval. 
In full outrage mode, America’s most famous windsurfer castigated the Egyptian authorities, insisting that the Muslim Brotherhood had a right to “peaceful protests.” Apparently, “peaceful” means armed with Kalashnikovs, killing policemen, kidnapping and torturing opponents, turning mosques into prisons, attacking Christians and burning Coptic churches.

The Brotherhood protesters rejected all offers of compromise and all demands to disperse. The interim government’s response was heavy-handed, but the Muslim Brothers chose violent resistance — using women and children as shields (a tactic typical of Islamist terrorists). 
Do we really need to have sympathy for the devil?...
We needn't, but it's de rigueur for anyone who's gung ho for the sharia agenda.

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