Monday, August 12, 2013

What Sort of Jews Would Put Up With John Kerry's Fatuous Lecturing?

His forelock-tugging "Court Jews," that's who:
In an effort to secure support for his newly launched “peace process,” Secretary of State John Kerry met last Thursday evening with a selected group of American Jewish leaders. Like Rabbi Stephen Wise before them, who tacitly consented to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s determination to do nothing to rescue European Jews from the Holocaust, they comprised a roster of Court Jews. 
Among the organization officials who were invited to display their deference to the Obama administration “peace process” were representatives of the American Jewish Committee, J Street, AIPAC, B’nai Brith, Hadassah, the National Council of Jewish Women, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and representatives of the Conservative and Orthodox movements. 
Predictably, Kerry vigorously urged his hand-picked group to “endorse and support” the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that he has been so driven to revive. Israel, he warned, faces the threat of diplomatic isolation if it does not reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians. And, echoing President Obama during his own recent visit to Jerusalem, he warned that Israel faced a looming demographic threat to its Jewish majority without the birth of a Palestinian state. 
Both assertions, however, are misguided...
That's putting it mildly.

Update: Faux-Zionist Peter Beinart chides AIPAC for not tugging its forelock furiously enough.

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