Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Islamist Flack Thinks He Gets to Piggy-Back on Anti-Jewish Canards. He's Wrong

Fact: Islam is a supremacist, supersessionist, triumphalist religion.

Fact: Islam means "submission," not "peace."

Fact: Islam brooks no criticism of any aspect of the faith, which is seen as being "perfect." Thus, any and all criticism is "blasphemous," and the truth and those who have the chutzpah to speak it must therefore be demonized as being hateful.

Fact: Islam aims to call the shots everywhere, forever.

Lies: This bit of smoke-blowing in the Toronto Star:
Good Jews lie to advance Judaism. It’s the law. 
Devout Jews should be prohibited from military service. Would Patton have recruited Nazis into his army? 
Jewish loyalty supersedes nationalism, and it is impossible to tell where any given Jew’s loyalties actually lie. 
These statements, read on their own, could easily be mistaken as having come from that oft-recycled anti-Semitic hoax, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Most reasonable people, if they were to hear any of these statements and questions, would recognize and rightly object strongly to what are unambiguous anti-Semitic slurs. 
Yet for some reason, when Islam or Muslims are substituted for the word Jew or Judaism, people aren’t quite so offended. That’s the natural conclusion one would come to considering that the federal government has remained mum about the upcoming visit by two anti-Muslim speakers to Canada, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer...
Protocols of the Elders of Zion--oh, you mean the tract that's a perennial best-seller in much of the Muslim world? Guess what, dude? Just because canards are quacked about "the Jooos" being die-hard control freaks, that doesn't cancel out the reality that Islam has always had designs on the globe. (Re the aforementioned canards, to paraphrase The Rolling Stones: Hey, you, get off of our ducks...)

I'll give you an "A" for effort, though.

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