Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Depravity of the Anti-Israel Left

It's on display today in an op-ed piece in the New York Times by University of Pennsylvania poli-sci prof Ian Lustick:
Let me set aside Lustick’s argument against the two-state solution and begin with what is most shocking in his op-ed, his own proposed solution. Lustick argues that the U.S. and others should abandon the two-state solution and let the parties fight it out. The key passage must be quoted at length:
With a status but no role, what remains of the Palestinian authority will disappear. Israel will face the stark challenge of controlling economic and political activity and all land and water resources from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The stage will be set for ruthless oppression, mass mobilization, riots, brutality, terror, Jewish and Arab emigration and rising tides of international condemnation of Israel (my emphasis).
Lustick makes explicit the nihilism of the anti-Israeli left. He has no strong reason to believe that the bloodbath he wishes on the Israelis and Palestinians will have results favorable to either.  But why not break a few eggs if there’s some prospect of an omelette? Like many on the anti-Israeli left, but more explicitly, Lustick is prepared to entertain a morally satisfying position, which costs him nothing but means a blood sacrifice for those whose best interests he professes to have in mind.
As his Discover the Networks profile reveals, Lustick has been a useful idiot for, well, decades.

1 comment:

  1. What the Left wishes, writ small, for the State of Israel, it wishes, writ large, for the West as a whole. Leftists really are a bunch of ideologically sick puppies. (But, hey, we collectively tolerate them in positions of influence, so what does that say about _us_?)
