Sunday, October 20, 2013

Harpoon Demonizes the Right--Again

Well, he's been doing it for so long he has the drill down pat. Today the Toronto Star's in-house shill for Islam claims that U.S. Republicans, Canadian Tories and Egypt's military are eerily similar:
The government shutdown in the United States has some parallels with Egypt and other places where democracy is thwarted, mostly by sabotaging the will of the voters and the rule of law. 
The American system of governance — the president vs. Congress, Senate vs. the House, feds vs. the states — was designed to encourage restraint and compromise. Lately it has produced the opposite, due principally to an excess of partisanship and special interests. 
Many Republicans hate Barack Obama with the same intensity as the Egyptian secularists did Mohammed Morsi, the elected president they toppled. Despite Obama’s convincing wins in 2008 and 2012, Republicans have been fixated on derailing his presidency — no matter the cost to the country. In their latest manoeuvre, they held him hostage 17 days hoping to undermine “Obamacare,” passed by Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court.  
Anti-Morsi forces were funded by billionaires and other undemocratic forces. American billionaires buy up politicians and groups to delegitimize and minimize government. 
Morsi’s opponents routinely called him “fascist.” Republicans equate their critics with Nazi appeasers. 
Anti-Morsi forces used street power. Republicans used their Congressional muscle...
Yeah, they're dead ringers, Harpoon. (Funny how he forgets to mention that those pro-Morsi forces, also known as the Muslim Brotherhood and its Islamist supporters, like to torch Egyptian churches and are totally into totalitarian sharia law. And when it comes to Republicans v. Democrats, we all know which side loves liberty--and it sure ain't the side pushing the government-aggrandizing debacle that is ObamaCare.

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