Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Justin Trudeau Addresses "Middle-Class Anxiety" (a Made-Up Malady Designed to Put the Liberals in Power)

The future former prime minister (or one of his communications hacks) writes:
I have had the great privilege over the past several months to travel our vast and beautiful country. Whether in Nelson, B.C., Brandon, Man., Mississauga, Montmagny, Que., or Sydney, N.S., it has been a thrilling and enlightening experience to engage with Canadians from all walks of life. Since this summer, I’ve travelled to more than 60 cities, towns and villages, listening to the concerns of teachers, truck drivers, farmers and small business owners.
Everywhere I go I’m hearing a yearning for something new, something better. 
Canadians asked for open and honest government; instead they have been saddled with secrecy, cynicism and rampant ethical scandals. Canadians wanted a focus on families, jobs and security; instead they have suffered through political gamesmanship and gimmicks. And in the midst of all this, the Harper Conservatives have neglected the most pressing issue facing the country – the fact that middle class Canadians have not had a decent raise in 30 years...
Dear "middle class Canadians": if you vote for Justin's "something new, something better" all you'll get is the same old, same old leftist agenda of tax and spend and send the bill to your grandkids.

If you think that's going to get you "a decent raise," I have two words for you: Kathleen Wynne.

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