Friday, October 18, 2013

Listen Up, Clueless Jews: Barack Obama Does NOT Have Our Back

Before his reelection, Obama felt constrained to pretend that he was serious about preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. He opposed but then grudgingly signed comprehensive sanctions passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress. He told AIPAC that he had Israel's back.
But now that he's no longer facing reelection, the jig is up. Obama's new goal, which is enthusiastically supported by Ashton and her comrades in Brussels, is to use the new negotiations with Iran's phony baloney "moderate" new President — to give himself political cover to open the door to Iran acquiring nuclear bombs. Obama doesn't want to prevent Iran from getting the bomb. He wants to insulate himself from criticism when it gets the bomb.
Not only do the White House's lies about Iran's new "level of seriousness" give Obama the maneuver room to pretend he's acting responsibly, they also trap Israel into inaction. After all, how could Israel possibly bomb Iran's nuclear installations when Iran is negotiating so seriously, and is "this close" to making a groundbreaking agreement?
We shouldn't be surprised by this state of affairs. Obama has never acted in good faith with Israel.


  1. As the proverb goes, "There is none so blind as he who will not see." I am not sure that even an Iranian nuclear attack on Tel Aviv, Rome, or New York would have much effect, at this late date, on the world view of pathological Western Civilization haters like Obama. They would rationalize such an attack as a well-deserved case of "the chickens coming home to roost"--where have I hear that before--and call for (another set) of major concessions from the West (especially from Israel).

  2. For Jews "there are none so blind" almost invariably leads to "there are none so dead."
