Friday, November 1, 2013

Caroline Glick on "Liar" Obama

She sees his ObamaCare lies as being part of an overall pattern:
President Barack Obama views lies as legitimate political tools. He uses lies strategically to accomplish through mendacity what he could never achieve through honest means.  
Obama lies in both domestic and foreign policy. On the domestic front, despite Obama's repeated promises that ObamaCare would not threaten anyone's existing health insurance policies, over the past two weeks, millions Americans have received notices from their health insurance companies that their policies have been cancelled because they don't abide by ObamaCare's requirements....
As was the case with ObamaCare, the White House knows that most Americans won't support its policy of doing nothing to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. So the White House never says that this is its policy. Obama and his advisors insist that preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power is a central goal of the administration. But their actions move US policy in the opposite direction. And if they get caught on the lies after Iran gets the bomb, well, Obama won't be facing reelection so he will pay no price for his duplicity.  
The mendacity at the heart of Obama's political playbook is something that Israel needs to understand if it to survive his presidency without major damage to its strategic viability. The events of the past week make clear that the stakes in understanding and exposing his game couldn't be higher...

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