Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What Is It With Nutty Muslim Zion-Loathers Trying to Do Away With Israel Via a Merger With an Islamic Land?

Remember Moo Moo Qadafi's suggestion that two state solution seekers jettison that notion and resolve to become one state named Isratine? Well, here's an even kookier idea courtesy those ka-razy Khomeinists:
One deeply offensive article published by Iran’s government-backed, oft-farcical English language news outlet, Press TV, even went so far as to suggest that the two countries should merge and become “Saudi Israelia” establishing the state religion as “Zio-Wahabbism.”
Nah, that would never work. I have a better idea. How about a merger of North Korea and Iran? They could call it...KORAN!

1 comment:

  1. I always find the comments interesting~sometimes more than the articles. The hatred of ignorance is astounding. Israel is the only safe haven in the Middle-East, for Jews, Christians, Muslims and secular people. Gay Arabs sneak in to avoid death and Christians thrive here. Yes, we have many problems, but look at our neighbors!
