Thursday, January 9, 2014

Conrad Black Beseeches the West to Defend Itself Against Islam

It is not for us in the West, whether religious believers or not, to say that Mohammed was not divinely inspired, or to dispute his message, but it is quite in order to question Islam’s frequent inflexibility and violence. Islam deserves the respect due to the subject of mass adherence and to the consideration officially accorded religious practice. It is a mighty force, whether the West, believing or not believing, likes it or not. But Islam does not deserve to be excused from the requirement of conforming to reasonable norms of coexistence with secular authorities and with other faiths. And it certainly does not deserve a full pass from that large segment of our self-loathing Western media that devotes itself constantly to the destruction of Judeo-Christian values, while largely ignoring the antics of teeming masses of Muslims who scream death to the West while pressing their foreheads against the floor of their mosques, and who treat women as property and intellectual curiosity as blasphemy. Our secular leaders, whatever their own religious views, should cease to appease these forces of the anti-Christ; should unsheathe the great moral sword in their scabbards, and have some thought for the more than 1.5 billion practicing Christians whose votes they seek, while pretending that any acknowledgment of Christianity is an affront to all other faiths and a forced march on seven-league boots back into the Dark Ages.

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