Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Darwish on the Audacity of Obama's Lack of Veracity

Not only is Nonie Darwish not an Obama fan, she decries the way he uses lying as an M.O.:
Up to the Obama presidency, a high level of insincerity, double talk and deception were rarely an acceptable characteristic of American leaders. Americans understood the consequences to cultures that are tolerant to lying. Habitual tolerance to lying is a major reason why Banana Republics are economic and political basket cases where citizens have no problem with lying unless it hurts them personally.  
Some leaders in the Arab world are especially prone to lying out of necessity. They must lie often because they live in a twisted world where truth is penalized and lies are embraced as the honorable thing to do. Every Arab leader understands that assassinations, coup d’etats and revolutions are not only a way of life, but often legal. 
While Arab leaders are forced to lie to literally save their necks, Obama is using this insincere strategy for convenience. Why is he saying one thing and doing another? What leads him to consistently tell lies to the American people? Could it be that he knows he can get away with it?
Why, yes; yes it could. Also, I think that he's an arrogant s.o.b. who pretty much does what he wants to do, the consequences be damned.

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