Friday, January 10, 2014

York University's Irrational Rationale for Accommodating a Male Student Who Didn't Want to Study Alongside Chicks

Behold the distressing yet ridiculous sight of university officials twisting themselves into pretzels to try explain their sharia-compliant decision to the prof who objected to it:
But [Professor Paul] Grayson said he was later told by the dean of the faculty of liberal arts and professional studies that the student should have been accommodated, since the request did not have a 'substantial impact' on the rights of other students.
Oh, I see. Since it was an online course, the chicks in his group weren't really harmed--or were harmed only in a virtual and therefore innocuous way--when authorities caved in to his religiously-based, Talibanesque request to hew to gender apartheid. Got it.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter McKay, for one (but he's not the only one), is having a hard time wrapping his head around that:
"This is what we've tried to combat in places like Afghanistan," Justice Minister Peter MacKay said in an interview. 
"Building schools there, and ensuring now that millions of girls are able to attend school alongside boys, I believe, is a very positive accomplishment of our country."
Well, Peter, it just goes to show that we must remain vigilant and fight it in Canada, too. Otherwise, using the excuse/Trojan horse of "human rights," we're bound to see more and more of it right here at home.

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