Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Andrew Cohen Gets It Wrong, Wrong, Wrong Re Canadian Jews Who Support Israel

The leftist who teaches journalism at Carleton University in Ottawa claims that Harper-supporting Jews are beating up on (bullying?) poor, Harper-loathing Jews like former chief Official Jew Bernie Farber and Ceeb talking head Evan Solomon.

The heart bleeds.

Solomon recently displayed his leftist bona fides by questioning the appropriateness of appointing Vivian Bercovici, a Jew, to be Canada's ambassador to Israel. As for Farber, who, in his former guise as head of the now defunct Canadian Jewish Congress, was all about the Holocaust, he speculates that the reason American Jewry is more open to the likes of faux-Zionist Israel-basher Peter Beinart is because it
has the confidence of having been in America for generations. In Canada, many Jews are survivors of the Holocaust or their descendants.
Yes, and because of that, perhaps they know something that the American Jews--who are leftists, first and foremost--don't know: i.e. that just because you're comfortable in and assimilated to your homeland (whether it's America or Germany), it doesn't necessarily mean you're safe.

Which is to say that Canadian Jews "get it." They support Israel qua Israel, in good times and bad times, whether its government tacks left or right, and even though it has not yet achieved "social justice" perfection and become, yes, Jewtopia.

American Jews, on the other hand, cannot love Israel as it is, an entity that does not look, think and act exactly like they do. 

That is their misfortune, and, I would suggest, their downfall.

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