Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"Be Thankful We Have Harper, Not Obama"

I second that emotion.

Update: And there are those who don't know how lucky they are:
When we watched Harper at Yad Vashem, why did we not challenge our-selves on our promise to help those who came after us to this nation, Canada? Once we were finished celebrating our prime minister’s trip to Israel, why were we not inclined to call our members of Parliament demanding an explanation for the preservation of shanty towns we call native reserves and the below average medical care extended to our Aboriginal Peoples? Is this fair to our government, to our community, to our native brothers and sisters?  
Does “never again” have an expiry date?
 Dunno. Does progressive cluelessness?


  1. Yeah, if I were a Canadian I'd be thankful too, though, apparently, about 2/3 of Canadians would vote for President Obama if given a chance. . . . Tell you what, I'm open to a trade with the Canadian people: We'll take Harper if you'll take Obama.

  2. Please don't give my clueless compatriots any ideas, Carlos.
